Sertifi API Web Service
Request (AddReferenceDocumentToRequestSoapIn)

The request body is of type AddReferenceDocumentToRequest.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
pstr_APICodeThe API code of the site.  This can be found through your Sertifi web interface under Administration -> Account Settings.xml:string
pstr_FileIDThe id of the relevant file.xml:string
pbyt_FileReference document you wish to add to the file.xml:base64Binary
pstr_FileNameThe name of the reference document as it appears on the uploading computer.xml:string
pstr_TitleThe name the document will appear with to signers.xml:string
returnIdWhether or not to return the Id of the document in the file. (It will be different from the Library Id and specific to the version in this file.)xml:boolean
permissionsPermissions on who can view the reference document.ArrayOfReferenceDocumentPermission
customMetadataXMLNote that it is not possible to prefill data on a reference document.xml:string
customMetadataXML Element Action Element Role Element Sequence Element Email Element Sequence ReferenceDocumentPermission Element Sequence permissions Element returnId Element pstr_Title Element pstr_FileName Element pbyt_File Element pstr_FileID Element pstr_APICode Element Sequence AddReferenceDocumentToRequest Element
Response (AddReferenceDocumentToRequestSoapOut)

The response body is of type AddReferenceDocumentToRequestResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
AddReferenceDocumentToRequestResultId of the reference document for the file, "SUCESS" or an error message.xml:string
AddReferenceDocumentToRequestResult Element Sequence AddReferenceDocumentToRequestResponse Element
Common Errors include:
"ERROR: Invalid API Code"
"ERROR: Title cannot be empty or null"
"ERROR: Title cannot be exceed 100 characters"
"ERROR: File could not be accessed"
"ERROR: Room Expired"
"ERROR: Invalid SEQUENCE in permissions, CC's sequence should equal to zero"
"ERROR: Invalid SEQUENCE in permissions, sequence should be >= zero and less than 255 for signers"
"ERROR: Invalid EMAIL in permissions: ..."
"ERROR: could not parse custom metadata"
"ERROR: Could not fetch reference document from the library."
"ERROR: Filename cannot be empty or null"
"ERROR: Filename cannot be exceed 100 characters"
"ERROR: You are attempting to upload a null referenced byte array"
"ERROR: You are attempting to upload a zero-length file"
See Also
All Operations Resource GroupSertifi API Web Service



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