Sertifi API Web Service

Use this call to sign a document. 

Requires the domain of the email address to match the site, so only members of the owning organization can be signed for automatically.

Only sign documents when it becomes that signer's turn to sign.

Request (ApplySignatureSoapIn)

The request body is of type ApplySignature.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
pstr_APICodeThe API code of the site.  This can be found through your Sertifi web interface under Administration -> Account Settings.xml:string
pstr_FileIDThe id of the relevant file.xml:string
pstr_DocumentIDThe id of the relevant document.xml:string
pstr_NameSignedName to sign with.xml:string
pstr_EmailEmail of the user you wish to sign with.xml:string
pstr_CustomField1Information to put in first custom field.xml:string
pstr_CustomField2Information to put in second custom field.xml:string
pstr_CustomField3Information to put in third custom field.xml:string
pstr_CustomField4Information to put in fourth custom field.xml:string
pstr_CustomField4 Element pstr_CustomField3 Element pstr_CustomField2 Element pstr_CustomField1 Element pstr_Email Element pstr_NameSigned Element pstr_DocumentID Element pstr_FileID Element pstr_APICode Element Sequence ApplySignature Element
Response (ApplySignatureSoapOut)

The response body is of type ApplySignatureResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
ApplySignatureResult"SUCCESS" or error message.xml:string
ApplySignatureResult Element Sequence ApplySignatureResponse Element

There's a known bug where you can apply a signature out of order.  Using that bug will result in this call breaking your work-flow unexpectedly when it gets fixed.

Common Errors include:
"ERROR: Invalid API Code"
"ERROR: Invalid signature name"
"ERROR: Invalid signer email"
"ERROR: Invalid signer email: ..."
"ERROR: Invalid domin for ApplySignature"
"ERROR: File could not be accessed"
"ERROR: Document could not be accessed"
"ERROR: Document Expired"
"ERROR: Could not load form with Prefill data"
"ERROR: Custom field 1 is invalid, please enter ..."
"ERROR: Custom field 2 is invalid, please enter ..."
"ERROR: Custom field 3 is invalid, please enter ..." (currently contains a typo that says a 1 instead of 3)
"ERROR: Custom field 4 is invalid, please enter ..." (currently contains a typo that says a 1 instead of 4)
"ERROR: Specified email is not a signer for this transaction"
"ERROR: Specified signer signed this document already."

See Also
All Operations Resource GroupSertifi API Web Service



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