Uri: https://sandbox.sertifi.net/testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddCCToRequest Add a Carbon Copy to a File so they get notifications about the file and can observe signatures and such. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddDocumentToRequest |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddFormToRequest [Depreciated and Disabled] Calling this method through the API will always result in a "ERROR: This API call is no longer supported." response. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddInstructionalDocumentToRequest |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddLocation Add various elements to the pdf document. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddPrepopulatedFormToRequest [Depreciated] We no longer support new HTML Forms. Use AddPrepopulatedPdfToRequest call instead. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddPrepopulatedPdfToRequest Adds a pdf from your Sertifi document library to an existing file. Includes prefill xml data that will be added to the document when signing. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddReferenceDocumentFromLibrary |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddReferenceDocumentToRequest |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddSecondSignerToRequest Has the exact same effect as AddSignerToRequest call with a Sequence of 2. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddSignerToRequest Adds an additional signer to the File. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AddSigningLocation Functions as AddSigningLocation with a pint_FieldType of 1 (Full Name Text Box). |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/ApplySignature Use this call to sign a document. Requires the domain of the email address to match the site, so only members of the owning organization can be signed for automatically. Only sign documents when it becomes that signer's turn to sign. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/ApplyTemplate Apply a template from the document library to a document in a file. Requires the signer and document must be added to the file prior to making the call. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/AutofillUserName[Depreciated and Disconnected] |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/ChangeSignerEmail Replace an existing signer with a different signer at all signing levels of that signer in the file. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/CreateFaxShell [Depreciated and Disconnected] |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/CreatePayment Creates a payment item in a file. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/CreateSignatureRequest |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/DownloadFileContents Get a zip file of all the reference and signature documents in a room. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/DownloadSignedDocument Download a signed document. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/EditUser Replace a signer who already exists in a file with a different user. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/EnableIDCheck Deprecated: do not use this feature. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/FileQuery Returns FileQueryResult object containing the list of files matching the search criteria. If nothing is meet or any error in search parameters, a message describing the error is returned. Return object (FileSummary) provides some parameters like FileId, Status, OwnerEmail, unsigned document count, signed document count and date created of the matched file. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetDocumentHash Get a hash of a fully signed document. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetDocumentsStatus Get xml data related to documents of a certain status within a specified date range. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetDocumentSummary Returns a pdf summary of the document, which includes file information, signature information, and room activity. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetFileSigners Get an xml list of each signer and the status of their signature. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetFilesStatus Gets a status update for all the files between the start and end dates. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetFileStatus Get a detailed xml output for a file's status, including document and signature information. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetLink Get a link to a specific page as a specific user. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetMaintenanceLink Get a link to the maintenance page for a file. It will partially log in as the file owner. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetMinimalFileStatus Gets a summary of the file and document statuses of a single file. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetPaymentsStatus Get a summary of the status of a payment. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetSigningLink Recommend using GetLink API call instead. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetStatusOnChangedFiles Get a summary of all the files which had activity between the dates listed. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/GetUserInfo Get the information for a user who has entered data into our system. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/InviteSigner Send invite email to a specific signer or cc. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/InviteSigners Send out invitation emails to the signers at the signer level that's currently ready to sign. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/InviteSignersWithAttachment Sends an invite as well as a pdf copy of all the unsigned documents in the file. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/RemoveDocument Remove a document from a file. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/RemoveFormFromRequest [Depreciated and Disconnected] |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/RemovePayment Remove a payment from a file. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/RemoveReferenceDocument |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/RemoveSignatureRequest Deletes or Archives the file. Canot be done to files with signed documents. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/RemoveUser Remove a user from a file. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/SendNotificationMessage Send out notification emails. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/SendSignedDocumentEmail Send out a notification email for signed document. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/SetDocumentParameters Set a document's parameters. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/SetRedirectURL Sets a URL that the signing page should redirect to when a signer signs the document. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/SetSignatureRequestParameters Set parameters for a file. |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/SetSigningBoxLocation Functions as AddSigningLocation with a pint_FieldType of 7 (Large Signature Box). |
Method | /testsite/Services/Gateway.asmx/VerifyFolderPassword Verifies the file password for a specific file. |