Returns FileQueryResult object containing the list of files matching the search criteria. If nothing is meet or any error in search parameters, a message describing the error is returned. Return object (FileSummary) provides some parameters like FileId, Status, OwnerEmail, unsigned document count, signed document count and date created of the matched file.
The request body is of type FileQuery.
Request Body Parameters
Name | Description | Data Type |
p_ApiCode | The API code of the site. This can be found through your Sertifi web interface under Administration -> Account Settings. | xml:string |
parameters | A file can be searched using following parameters:
- FileNumericId1
An Integer metadata for the file and which is set using SetSignatureRequestParameters
- FileDateSigned
Time at which packetized file was signed. Time format should be in sortable DateTime pattern yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss, eg: 2008-06-15T21:15:07 | ArrayOfSearchParameter |
The response body is of type FileQueryResponse.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<FileQueryResponse xmlns="">
[email protected]</OwnerEmail>
[email protected]</Email>
[email protected]</Email>
[email protected]</Email>
[email protected]</Email>
Response Body Parameters