Sertifi API Web Service
Set parameters for a file.
Request (SetSignatureRequestParametersSoapIn)

The request body is of type SetSignatureRequestParameters.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
p_ApiCodeThe API code of the site.  This can be found through your Sertifi web interface under Administration -> Account Settings.xml:string
p_FileIDThe id of the relevant file.xml:string
p_XMLContentXML specifying properties to update.  See example for available parameters.xml:string
p_CustomMetadataXMLTo specify customer specific metadata to be a part of document database (this uses the same format as pre-fill XML)xml:string
p_CustomMetadataXML Element p_XMLContent Element p_FileID Element p_ApiCode Element Sequence SetSignatureRequestParameters Element
Response (SetSignatureRequestParametersSoapOut)

The response body is of type SetSignatureRequestParametersResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
SetSignatureRequestParametersResult"SUCCESS", warnings or error message.
Warnings indicate partial success; errors indicate no success.
SetSignatureRequestParametersResult Element Sequence SetSignatureRequestParametersResponse Element
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ser="">
           <![CDATA[<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file>
      <parameter name='MaskEmailsFromClient' value='true' />
      <parameter name='IDCheck' value='true' email='' />
      <parameter name='FileNumericId1' value='Integer' />
      <parameter name='MustSignWithName' email='[email protected]' value='Any Name' preFillName='true'/>
      <parameter name='DefaultLanguage' value='en|es|fr-CA'/>
      <parameter name='SecurityQuestion' email='[email protected]' prompt='Question' value='Answer'/>
      <parameter name='EmailGroupName' value='Sales Group'/>
      <parameter name='FolderExpiresOn' value='2012-05-24'/>
      <parameter name='ConsolidatedSigning' value='true'/>
         <ser:p_CustomMetadataXML><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><record><field Name="PDF field name" Text="value" /><field Name="PDF field name2" Text="value" /></record>]]></ser:p_CustomMetadataXML>

To hide e-mail addresses from the signer:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='MaskEmailsFromClient' value='true' /></file>

To enable IDology ID checks for an entire room:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='IDCheck' value='true' /></file>

To enable IDology checks for a specific email address:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='IDCheck' value='true' email='' /></file>

To add arbitrary metadata to the room (will be stored in FileExternalId[1-10]):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='FileExternalId1' value='AnyWalue' /><parameter name='FileExternalId2' value='AnyWalue2' /></file>

To add searchable metadata to the room (will be stored in FileNumericId[1]):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='FileNumericId1' value='Integer' /></file>

To specify which name the signer will have to sign (set empty to clear the required name):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='MustSignWithName' email='[email protected]' value='Any Name'/></file>

To specify which name the signer will have to sign (set empty to clear the required name).  preFillName parameter will cause the name to be pre-filled for the signer:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='MustSignWithName' email='[email protected]' value='Any Name' preFillName='true'/></file>

To specify a default language for the room:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='DefaultLanguage' value='en|es|fr-CA'/></file>

Specifying a per-user security question.  Value contains the question, Prompt contains the question:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='SecurityQuestion' email='[email protected]' prompt='Question' value='Answer'/></file>

To indicate a e-mail group:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='EmailGroupName' value='Sales Group'/></file>

To indicate an expiration (date/time format - yyyy-mm-dd):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='FolderExpiresOn' value='2012-05-24'/></file>

To indicate an expiration (date/time format - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='folderexpirationdatetime' value='2012-05-24 14:30'/></file>

To activate Consolidated Signing for this room (accepts 'true' and 'false', default = 'false'):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='ConsolidatedSigning' value='true'/></file>

To send email reminders for the room (accepts 'true' and 'false', default = 'true'):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='SendReminders' value='false'/></file>

To set the event date for the room (must be in yyyy-MM-dd format):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?><file><parameter name='EventDate' value='2012-05-24'/></file>

Common Errors include:
"ERROR: Invalid API Code"
"ERROR: File could not be accessed."
"ERROR: could not parse custom metadata"
"ERROR: Invalid parameter attributes 'email': ..."
"ERROR: Invalid parameter attributes. Signer ..."
"ERROR: Invalid parameter attributes."
"ERROR: invalid value in one of IDCheck parameters."
"ERROR: invalid value in maskemailsfromclient parameter."
"ERROR: Must specify e-mail address for MustSignWithName parameter.  Name passed: ..."
"ERROR: enablemousesignature is disabled for this account."
"ERROR: invalid value in one of enablemousesignature parameters."
"ERROR: ... is not a supported language"
"ERROR: Security prompt cannot be longer than 200 characters. Email: ..."
"ERROR: Password cannot be longer than 200 characters. Email: ..."
"ERROR: ... email group is either not present or does not have any e-mail templates defined."
"ERROR: Cannot set expiration date for a folder beyond 365 days from now. Value passed: ..."
"ERROR: ... is not a properly formatted date.  Expected format yyyy-mm-dd (four digit year followed by a two digit month, followed by a two digit day)"
"ERROR: ... isn’t properly formatted. Format the date + time as: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm."
"ERROR: You can’t set the expiration date for a folder for more than 365 days from now. Set the expiration date for less than 365 days."
"ERROR: invalid value in ConsolidatedSigning parameter."
"ERROR: Consolidated Signing not available for this account.  If you would like this feature, please contact our sales or support team."
"ERROR: Invalid ... value."
"ERROR: Invalid XML."
"ERROR: File remain unchanged."

Common Warnings include:
"... is not a valid File External Id.  Valid parameters are FileExternalId1 - FileExternalId10."
"The passed value of ... exceeded the maximum length of 100 for parameter {0} and was truncated."
"... is not a valid File Numberic Id.  Valid parameters is FileNumericId1."
"... is not a valid File Numberic Id.  Valid parameters is FileNumbericId1."
"... has invalid File Numberic Id value."

See Also
All Operations Resource GroupSertifi API Web Service



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