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Sertifi's Ultimate Hotel Fraud and Chargeback Prevention Toolkit

We've compiled our top resources to help you stay ahead of fraud and chargebacks.

Our Top Tips to Reduce Chargeback Disputes

Stop Key-Entering Transactions

Manually entering card details into the PMS leads to interchange downgrades and increased declines due to fraud concerns from card issuers. This is particularly prevalent for events with high-value transactions, as it can result in higher fees, lost sales, and significant collection efforts that impact your business.

Enable 3-D Secure

3DS ensures a seamless payment experience by only requiring additional verification for high-risk transactions, showing your commitment to protecting customers from fraudulent transactions. It also shifts fraud liability from the merchant to the cardholder and issuing bank.

Enable Address Verification Services (AVS)

AVS helps prevent fraud and chargebacks by verifying the postal code and billing street address against the card issuer's records. For U.S. merchants, providing the AVS postal code is crucial to avoid Interchange (IC) downgrades on card-not-present transactions.

Require CVV with Online Payments

Fraudsters may obtain card numbers but often lack the correct CVV. Since businesses cannot store CVV data, it's unlikely for fraudsters to acquire it through data breaches. Set a rule or manually review or decline payments that fail the CVC verification check.

Link All Payment Requests to the Contract

Adopt an Advance Deposit Policy and charge a minimum or full anticipated amount immediately. By linking the terms and conditions to the contract and payment, it becomes easier to defend against chargebacks. Additionally, if the card is stolen, this action may prompt the true cardholder to limit their losses quickly.

Be Careful When Charging Credential on File

Do not clone cards or ACH without a contract or authorization form that has clear Terms and Conditions. These Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT) are declined frequently and are harder to defend against chargebacks.

Create Clear Policies and Invoices

Present clearly stated Terms and Conditions to customers. It's crucial to communicate policies regarding cancellation, refunds, no-show fees, and additional costs during the booking process. Routinely review your existing policies and make sure updates are made anywhere your customers have access to existing policies.

Make Refunds Easy for Your Customers

Allow customers to request refunds easily at checkout and post-stay. Respond promptly and reasonably to their feedback, as salvaging a portion of the payment is often better than losing the entire amount. By addressing issues promptly, you might appease them with a partial refund or future discounts.


Reducing the Risk and Impact of Chargebacks

We cover all the best practices and Sertifi tips you need to bolster your fraud and chargeback prevention strategy, including a walkthrough of our card authorization fraud tools and how to securely process eCommerce transactions in Sertifi.

We've also compiled these learnings into online guide for easy reading.

Sertifi for Card Processing

Simplify selling by electronically capturing payments and agreement e-signatures from one secure platform. Behind the scenes, SertifiPay processes payments in a fast, PCI-compliant manner at a lower cost to you.

Are You Handling Card-Not-Present Transactions Correctly?

If you're key-entering cards at your front desk, you're not only susceptible to higher processing fees as a penalty. You also make it much harder to defend yourself in chargeback cases on legitimate transactions.

Sertifi for Credit Card Authorizations

Our PCI-compliant credit card authorization solution is the easiest, most secure way to finalize forms with your guests. Aside from getting forms back 90% faster, our advanced fraud detection tools help you verify cards so you know which ones are safe to proceed with.

Spotting Fraud on Your Hotel CC Auth Form

Your hotel credit card authorization form can give you several clues you're dealing with a fraudster instead of a legitimate guest. With a proper form template in place, you'll be able to detect fraud early and significantly reduce your chargeback risk.

Ready to bolster your chargeback prevention strategy with Sertifi?


We're excited to help. Our sales team can:

  • Give you an in-depth look at our platform.
  • Help you find the right solution(s).
  • Answer questions about features, pricing, and more.


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