How to Send & Collect eSignature Requests via Email
Here is a sample of the methods to call required to set up eSignature requests and invite signers via email:
1. CreateSignatureRequest
- Creates a folder in the Sertifi application & associates signer(s) to the folder
2. AddDocumentToRequest - or - AddPrepopulatedPdfToRequest
- Attaches documents for eSignature to folder – or – Passes ID for a template stored in document library & passes data to populate template
3. InviteSigner - or - InviteSigners
- Alerts the Sertifi application to send eSignature request(s) via email
Integrate eSignatures into Existing Portal or Use for In-Session Signing
In-session signing allows you to embed or display eSignature-ready documents directly into existing websites. The solution supports interactive forms, static, and dynamic document presentation. Here is a sample of methods to call for setting up eSignature requests and retrieving the link to present to signers:
1. CreateSignatureRequest
- Creates a folder in the Sertifi application & associates signer(s) to the folder
2. AddDocumentToRequest - or - AddPrepopulatedPdfToRequest
- Attaches documents for eSignature to folder – or – Passes ID for a template stored in document library & passes data to populate template
3. GetLink (passing the Link Type Parameter FileSigningPageLink or SigningPageLink)
- Provides a link to the eSignature-ready document for in-session signing