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Sertifi’s Takeaways from Hospitality Technology's Mobility & Self-Service Study


Sertifi’s excited to be part of Hospitality Technology (HT)’s latest technology study, “Embracing Mobility & Self-Service,” in which they share a current view of our industry’s investment in technology, enthusiasm for innovation, and response to challenges faced in the pursuit of creating better experiences. Respondents represented more than 18,000 properties worldwide, ranging from economy to luxury brands.

Studies like these are a great way to better understand our industry – not just what’s working well but what opportunities exist. In this post, I’m sharing my top takeaways and encourage you to read the full study here.

1. Hoteliers are getting more comfortable with change.

Per the study, hotel operators are “carefully noting the rapid escalation of technology” and reported the adding, upgrading, or switching of suppliers. It’s exciting to see an eagerness to take advantage of evolving solutions – made even stronger when they exist as an integrated, seamless technology stack. Automating the transfer of information across systems, and keeping it secure and accurate along the way, is critical to maintaining staff efficiency and a positive guest experience. Plus, automation can help your understaffed property keep up with demand, a continued concern for study respondents.

2. Hoteliers are struggling to keep up with the pace of innovation.

Respondents reported an increase in their IT budgets, a welcome change from an historically declining figure. However, many felt their current funding is still insufficient. Despite an eagerness for change, most of their budget is enough to maintain existing solutions, making it difficult to innovate and adopt new technology. Related, respondents reported that their top challenges include integrating with legacy solutions and the inability to realize ROI from new rollouts.

3. Guests demand better technology.

As discussed in our webinar, Creating a High-Touch Customer Experience with Contactless Business, today’s digital-first guest expects experiences that are mobile-friendly, personalized, and secure. Plus, they like staying in control. As a result, hotels have smartly prioritized the adoption of customer-empowering technology, such as kiosks and mobile room keys. That said, don’t forget that a customer’s experience starts well before arrival. How are you using technology to make that piece of the journey better? For example, giving guests a way to sign event contracts and pay deposits online instead of using antiquated methods like paper and fax. The study said it best: if a hotel has not yet implemented contactless payments, what are you waiting for?

As a solution provider, it’s exciting to see our industry’s increasing commitment to technology and realization of its benefits.

Sertifi continues to be committed to delivering solutions that make experiences better, are as accessible as possible, and let the entire hospitality network see value quickly. Thank you again to Hospitality Technology for inviting us to be a part of their study.


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About the author

John Stojka

John Stojka is the co-founder of Sertifi. As Sertifi's commercial and marketing leader, he's passionate about delivering scalable, efficient agreement solutions to hospitality businesses and their customers around the globe.